I am finally getting around to accomplishing my new year's resolution. Just in time for 2009! My resolution was to read the entire Bible. My epiphany occurred last year when a friend asked how I can follow a religion when I don't know EVERYTHING it proposes. Well, I was raised in a Christian home, attended Church more Sundays than I have not and decided to become a Christian myself at age 11, but true, I don't know EVERYTHING the Bible preaches. I found http://www.oneyearbibleonline.com/ in August. The site breaks down the Bible into daily readings for 365 days. Since I was behind the curve, I have been reading 2 - 4 days worth to catch up. I have now read 1 /3 of the Bible and am very proud of myself. My goal is to finish before its time to make a new resoluion! I have really enjoyed this though. I started getting up in th mornings about 15 minutes earlier than normal. I fix my cup of joe and enjoy the silence of my normally bustling house. That 15 minutes has grown into 30 and now about 40 minutes of time. I don't know what I'll do once I have finished, but I am loving this schedule. I also think that this is setting a good example for my kids. They both know about my goal and ask how I'm doing. I hope that this encourages them to read the Bible more also.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate the link on this post. This sounds like a New Year's Resolution for me in 2009. I have been trying to think about when I can have quite time every day to be with God. I get up @ 4:45 a.m. and leave the house by 5:30 a.m., so early is hard. But, I am too tired by the time I put in a 9-12 hours day at my nursing job. I think I may try 4:30 a.m. and see....