
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Envelope System Wallets

Has it really been that long since I have posted??

Now that summer is in full swing around here, I am finally getting caught up! I'll fill you in later on some of my spring adventures but for now I want to tell you to check out my etsy store!

I am working hard to fill it back up and have 3 Envelope System Wallets listed now. Two wallets are on major sale and one wallet is in the very popular brown and turquoise fabric!

I also have a sweet little jumper for a little girl! See ya over there!


  1. Love your wallets! Will you be making more soon? How much are they? Thanks!!

  2. that jumper is the cutest! I wish I would have boughten it for my niece last month during our Disneyland vacation. :)

  3. I have seen your wallets on Etsy and was wondering if you would be making any more. I would be interested in getting one.

    Thank you,
